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Regular price $9.79 USD
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Uni Butter is an amazing attractant made by Uni-Goop and it is a fish bait that will wow you. We sell quite a lot of this uni-butter attractant and for good reason, it works.

Uni Butter is a natural scent and fish attractant made in San Diego by a local San Diego fisherman. The essential oils from the sea, combined with a natural thickening agent is a scent and attractant for fish that masks the human scent.

This attractant is best applied when warm, Like cold butter won’t spread on toast, cold Uni Butter won’t spread on baits. To keep it warm, keep it in your pocket or in the direct sun. The warmer it gets the thinner it gets.

UniButter works best when generously applied to artificial baits like CrankBaits, SwimBaits, Scampies, SpinnerBaits and Grubs. Apply the UniButter as needed, however most anglers re-apply every third or fourth cast. When heading to your favorite fishing spot, place the UniButter in your pocket or up against your car heater vent to allow the product to warm up and melt in the bottle. UniButter works best when heated, like trying to spread cold butter on toast – UniButter is most effectively applied warm for easier coating of your baits. Deadsticking UniButtered baits for Sandbass works well – the UniButter has also proven deadly when fishing for Spotties, Halibut, Corvena, and Calico Bass.

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